Welcome to the MechJam Website
What is MechJam?
MechJam is a series of game jams that have been running since April 2021. Since the first MechJam, there have been over 210 submitted games, 1480 participants and a ton of winners over various categories. The first jam attracted 38 submissions but by the time the latest MechJam was over (MechJam IV), there was an amazing 131 submissions.
The basic idea of the jam is very simple, all you have to do is create either a video game or a physical game which contains mech or mecha. They don't even have to necessarily be playable, though in most entries they are playable. There have been games created in a wide variety of genres: action, text adventure, platformers, and even a pinball game! The jams have attracted some incredibly talented people from around the world who have kindly shared their fantastic work with the Itch community.
What's Next?
Kaijujam is now running! If you want to join, click the logo above!
Previous MechJam Jams
Click one of the MechJam logos to find about more about that jam.
April 14th - April 29th 2021, 38 Entries
September 22nd - October 6th 2021, 75 Entries
July 8th - July 22nd 2022, 104 Entries
July 6th - July 20th 2023, 131 Entries
Spin-Off Jams
MechJam has some spin-off jams, you can find out more information by clicking the logos below. The first of these spin-off jams was Kaijujam which ran from late January to early February 2022. Followed in October that same year with the horror focused Cosmic Horrors Jam.
January 26th - February 9th 2023, 35 Entries
October 13th - October 27th 2022, 62 Entries
March 23rd - April 6th 2023, 59 Entries
October 12th - October 26th 2023, 51 Entries
January 18th - February 1st 2024, 76 Entries
October 10th - October 24th 2024, 135 Entries