MechJam IV

MechJam IV Stats

Entries: 131

Participants: 735

Ratings: 1248

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Overall Winner: Mecha Soldier

h0tel's Mecha Soldier was a brilliant game with fantastic controls, fast-paced gameplay and a lot of polish. It is definitely worth checking out and its easy to see why it won MechJam IV. 

Fun Factor Winner: Blastingbot Blowback

A brilliant puzzler game that felt really unique as well as feeling super fun! 

Audio Winner: Robold Junker

There was some great music to listen to here, there was also a very nifty feature where you could select the song you'd like to listen to. A very neat project!

Visuals & Originality Winner: Animechs!

Visually very impressive, it accurately recreates the visuals of comic books of the past.